On the schedule this week (Week 4 of training):
Monday--XT or Rest (I chose to rest this week)
Tuesday--7 miles @ 8:30/mile pace and strength.
Wednesday--3 miles
Thursday--7 miles w/ 3 miles @ 7:00/pace and strength.
Saturday--4 miles and strength.
Sunday--7 miles.
Its possible I may have to swith around a couple of days, depending on Shawn's work schedule, but don't you worry I'll get it all in. :)
Did you all have a good Easter? What did you do?
We had a great Easter! We had planned on staying home, but last minute we decided to go up to Maine to my brother Jack's and soon to be sis in laws house. We went up on Saturday night and colored eggs with the girls. Then the Easter bunny came:

The girls woke up super early and were very excited to see that the Easter Bunny was able to find them in Maine. :)

We go all dressed up and had an amazing Easter dinner with Jack, Amanda, my brother Pat, my sister Meaghan, my mom, and Amanda's wonderful family. It was great, although we missed my brother Kevin :( (He's in Afghanistan)

And then my girls and Baylee (Amanda's sister) had an Easter Egg Hunt:

All and all it was a great day filled with lots of great company! :)
I made a blackbean dip for an appetizer, and thought I'd share the recipe with you all because its always a big hit and it is super easy to make. And my Aunt Kathy asked me for it a few weeks ago and I completely forgot to send it to her (sorry Kathy!), and now she can get it here!
Black Bean Dip
-2 Cans of Black Beans, rinsed (I use low sodium)
-1 container of you favorite salsa
-Chili Powder*
-1/3 Cup of 2% Mexican Blend Cheese
Rinse the beans, put them in a bowl, and mash them with a fork. Set aside. Chop up your onions and garlic, spray a fry pan with cooking spray, and cook the onions and garlic until softened. Then add the tomatoes, black beans, salsa, chili powder, and avocado. Cook for around 5 or so minutes, make sure its thickened a bit and everything is warmed through. Turn off the heat, add the cheese, and mix it in. Put it in a serving dish and serve it with tortilla chips. You can always make your own healthier tortilla chips by cutting a whole wheat/low carb tortilla in to slices like chips, brush them with a bit of oil, and sprinkle with sea salt. Bake in the oven until they are at your desired crunchiness. Watch them closely because they burn really easily!
*I don't measure amounts, I just eye it, so you'll have to adjust it by your own taste!
Have a great day everyone! What is your workout today?